
Historical records prove that the organised water management of the Drava river started already in 1896 when the first national Water Act was adopted. Already in 1894 the Drava construction management was active in Ptuj. Between the two world wars, the Hydro-technical section for the regulation of the Drava river was active in Ptuj.

In 1946 the Ministry of construction established the main Water Administration in Ljubljana and the Administration for the Drava river in Ptuj. Since then the water management activity has been continuing without interruption for 70 years and it has been implemented in various organisational forms.

gradnja valobrana
gradnja valobrana

With reorganisation of the water management, all units were annexed to the Water Community of the Drava basin which was in 1966 called General water community Drava – Mura Maribor, and in 1975 it was converted in the Maribor Water Management. A part of such structure was the Drava Ptuj Unit which was following the economic transformation in 1989 converted into an independent company, and in 1997 it became a PLC – Drava vodnogodpodarsko podjetje Ptuj d.d.- Drava Water Management company in Ptuj PLC and in 2016 it became a limited liability company Drava vodnogospodarsko podjetje Ptuj d.o.o.

gradnja valobrana
gradnja valobrana

All these years, and in particular after the Water Act was adopted in 2002, the company provided all the maintenance works and water management public service on the part of watercourses of a plain level in the Drava basin (around 2500 km2) and partially on other areas of the Republic of Slovenia, mainly at the coastal part of Adriatic Sea.

In the last ten years the Company has been implementing environmental – ecologic projects in Slovenia and abroad – Serbia, Montenegro.

The Company has achieved and built good relationship with the users on site and enjoys the trust of local contracting authorities and foreign as well.

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